Why make gingerbread men when you can make gingerbread CADETS?
- Make a single batch, if you need more, then make more
- Hold the gingerbread cadet hall together until the icing drys
- When you make a mess at first, clean it up so that it doesn't get bigger
- Don't have your boyfriend there.. he puts icing on your face
The shapes are made
Our drill shed is made with cadets in front of it, (The red icing is because we ran out of white, so we had to use the red icing)
mmmm coookies!
we are the only the coolest people ever!
We're finished
What are your gingerbread men going to turn into?
Its to cold when you try to breathe through your nose and it sticks together...
Well that was our adventure. It was very fun, but so cold. I think our toes froze off in the end of it, but over all it was fun. Thank goodness Timmy Hoes gives hot drinks to us, because we would of been lost without them.
ugly sweaters, car rides, cold weather, boys...
As you can see, he`s always proud to be wearing his piece of art. At youth group we did a game with the 12 days of christmas. How it went was we were split into the 12 months depending on your birthday month. January - 1st day, February - 2nd day, March - 3rd day, April - 4th day... and so on, so forth. You get the idea I bet. So he played the song and then when you heard your day you were to run into the center and hug everyone and then run back. Look here. it was a very fun night.
They had an Egg Nog Chugging contest
Gingerbread house making contest (it faileed because the icing was to thin)
They put sour keys in a bucket of salt water and then with a candy cane, you had to get them out and the other person had to eat them. Look here
Well there are the ugly sweaters at our youth group and in the end, Brandon and I were the winners of the contest because they felt that we had the ugliest sweaters.
And for all those who wanted a picture of me and my boyfriend Travis, here is one.
video, after video
Krista and I playing a flute duet
- In this one I'm playing the high part in We three Kings and then the low part in O Come all ye faithful
Danyka and I singing Only Hope
my wonderful Oreo understanding French
sorry its been so long...
Krista and I got ready at my cousin Raynas house
The girls in my class. We are just missing 3 guys and then we are complete. Sad I know..
Dancing our hearts out!
clark is our man :)
I totally rocked the glasses... nottt
braam love with krista in the background being jealous
secretly he loves me =)
well yeah there are just a few of 142 pictures that i took. I`m sorry if the video didn`t work. I`ll try and get them on youtube sometime for you.Other news, we got a puppy. His name is Oreo, well you can figure it out from his colours of fur, and he is a smart cookie already. He knows how to not listen and how to sit in french.
I like to call him scruffy and sometimes I wonder if he thinks his name is scruffy insteady of Oreo. Well that is all for now, more later to come
no longer single...
I sent out my application for Parole de Vie Bethel and now I'm waiting for a reply from the college seeing if I got accepted. If that doesn't work, maybe I'll go to the University of British Columbia and learn french there. The whole reason why I want to go to Parole de Vie Bethel, is because I want to go to a college to learn french and a bible college, so I figured that I could hit 2 birds with one stone. The only bad thing about it is that I'm going to be far away from Travis and it would cost a lot of money to fly home.
Another plan that I have is to go to Regina, take first year university courses, and live with my sister, who would
oh and guess what? 25 DAYS UNTIL BRANDON COMES HOME! I haven't seen him since June 28th. Well I was in the same house as him for like 2 hours when I came home from camp, but then Annette came over so I didn't really get to see him, so I'm just saying that I haven't seen him since June. I'm so stoked for Christmas because then Brandon is home and Nick and Teresa are coming up to. It would be better if Jen but i guess you can't get everything for Christmas.
Well now that I'm done whining, I'm going to start doing school work. I got a quiz today so I better get studying.
reba, being sick, failing part 1 of a math test, being sick, and more REBA!...

sorry its been quite some time...

i love how good it feels to be done homework...

Don't worry people! If you are choking, having a stroke, having a baby, have something sticking out of you...
That is only part of what I had to do for the past 2 days. On a thursday night at Air Cadets, Our Commanding Officer asked who wanted to do first aid and i thought that i would give it a shot because it sounded fun. Well it was for most of it. I'm such a squimish person and its not even funny. After watching videos of people amputating themselves, gettting things gouged into their eyes, having someone cut open their hand, leg or head, just makes me so squimish. I'm not the best person to go to with a cut because i get to discusted, but i just need to sit for like 2 seconds and breath, then i can work on the person. At Air Cadets people always get hurt for some reason and they always come to me. When we were filling up sandbags, one girl got a shovel in her foot. Well guess who she came to?? ME! I was like, 'Oh what happened?' She went on to tell me that some one was shoveling "dirt" and they nailed her foot instead. When i first heard her tell me i thought they got the front of her foot, but no, they got her toe. It was gushing and bleeding all over the place and i was the lucky one to help her. Well after being really grossed out i managed to help her. I gently wiped down the surrounding part of her toe and then swipped her toe to get the dirt out. Then i stuck a bandaid on her toe and she was set to go. I felt proud.
Then another girl later on came to me with a sprained ankle of some sort. I had her keep it still while i put a tensor bandage on her ankle. It didn't take long until she was set to go and her foot was doing good. Thanks to my wonderful knowledge on first-aid i got through it. Hahaha, i'm such a retard, but thats okay, there are my real life first-aid storys. I just hope that i don't get people coming to me with amputated fingers or arms, because i can tell you one thing. I'll either:
a. Pass out or
b. Vomit
Its not that nice. I'm very squimish i tell you. But if its someone that really needs me i'm sure i can get over it.
pizza are the only thing i can think about right now...
This guy is basically my bestfriend. Hes a good talker, listener, hockey volleyball basketball wakeboarding tennis badminton player (theres more, I just can't name them all), and a really good friend. If there is anything that I need help with, he is always there for me with a big smile going along with it to. Also this guy is my escort for GRAD! I'm so excited. Hes been a good friend for me for the past 3 or 4 years. Anyways, doing the pizzas we had quite a few good laughs. Everything from trying on sunglasses to argueing about ice cube trays. Okay so here is the argument we had about ice cube trays. If you and your future-husband (Romeo) walk into a store and see ice cube trays that are on sale, of course you are going to buy them and then put them in your hope box for when you get married right?? Well that is what this one girl (we'll call her Juliet) thought until Romeo told her that he wanted to use them while he was living in his parents house and Juliet said, well no we are going to use them when we get married. So Juliet asked us, 'What would you do if you were me right now? I told her that I would keep them stored away and I wouldn't use them either. Juliet told Romeo that Girls want to keep things until the wedding or when its right, and guys just want to use them right away. When we asked around, we started to prove our point. Every guy (sorry should i say man) we asked our question to, they all said, 'Oh just use them right away! What the big problem about that?' and then all the ladies said, 'Keep them stored away until you move into your own house and you're married.' So this just proved our point on how men and women think differently. Well how about a few pictures? They are very bad quality because they were taken on my phone.
today was actually good....
As my sister says, I do like to text alot. Just today I've sent out 50 and still going on with the counting. Hhaah, yes i guess you could say that i'm an addict, but its a good addict because it still keeps you in contact with people. Its one of the ways how i can keep in contact with people, especially my sister. Growing up I've never really gotten along with them, but since around 4 years ago, i've finally gotten along with my brothers and sister. I've always had the occasional arguement that went on for forever, but now i get along with all of them. Its nice that way. But yeah, as i was saying, I talk to my sister everyday now, well since i went to regina last week. I really enjoy it because I've never talked to her everyday before. Even though texting isn't really "talking" its still a way for me to tell her how i'm doing.
Well tomorrow is another day. I can't think right now. I'll write more tomorrow. I'm leaving now because my phone is ringing. = p
Librarys are my new favorite place...
School lately hasn't been going well. The one thing that I look forward in a day is the texts that I get from my sister after break or else after first class
"hey you, just texting to say hi and hope you have a good day!"
Ohh and may i add that I DON'T have my cell phone with me in class, but I stay the little good girl and have it in my locker. Well yeah about school, i've always been the ignored one unless i'm the one they need to pick on, and well lately i've been ignored. It kinda sucks, but the occasional day i get a friend that talks to me. Other than that, I'm a loner. School sucks that way.
Well yeah, not a nice happy post today, but I got to get back to my little cubicle and study Biology 12 vocabulary terms.
and jen, thanks for the words of encouragement. They are greatly needed for me to start out my day. LOVE YOU!!
I never knew I disliked school more until...
I just wish that it was all over and school was no longer needed.
finally home...

Yes we are strange friends, but thats the best kind around! Hes a great friend of me that i had met this summer at camp. I told a bunch of people that I was going to vancouver and to come and meet me in the airport, and he was the only one that actually came. I was so happy to see him again. We walked for quite a while around the airport, found alot of asian people (school groups and all) and then found the Fairmont hotel in the airport and decided to steal their internet services. We took some picture, but this one is the best. We actually never took a normal picture. I always managed to ruin the picture with one of my epic faces.
me: Hey Wilson, look!! Theres your family! (pointing to a group of asian people)
wilson: Hey look, theres your brother!
me: Where??
wilson: right over there. the little white boy
me: Hey, come on now, don't be rascist.
hahah, that was pretty much one bit of one of our many conversations. Hes a fun person to hang out with and it was really great to see him.
When we got home i unpacked, tried on my dress (which i love to do. i feel like a princess in it), attempted to do Math 12 homework, and then called up a friend to hang out with and watch a movie with. We watched Legally Blonde and Legally Blonde 2. They presently rank as my top movies that I love to watch. Well its late and i feel a bit of jet lag hitting. I'm off to school again tomorrow =[ Its been a good vacation.
more shopping and this time...
Well now I'm sitting on my sisters couch and this is where I'm going to stay I think, well at least for a bit. I'm watching Football with my brother-in-law Noah and listening to Calibria 2007 get played every 5 minutes when my friends text my phone =]
friends make me laugh...
courtney: YOU'RE IN REGINA!
me: that I am. I'm visiting my sister
courtney: thats awesome! Where is that? haha
me: In saskatchewan
courtney:ohhh i thought it was in china or something
hahahahha oh some people just aren't the smartest people ever
tours tend to be one of my favorite things....
So we piled back into the Van and we were off to the house again. My mom wanted to get a shirt from a fire station so they went off while I stayed at home with Liliana as she slept. When she woke up she was in a good mood. She was still a big tired I could tell because she actually let me cuddle with her. THIS WAS A FIRST! Normally when anyone tries to cuddle with her she screems until you put her down and then she is fine, most of the time. Then they came back, Kaylie came home from school, and then we were off to the museum. It was an awesome museum. I'm totally not a fan of them, but this one I actually liked. Look on Facebook and you can see more pictures of the museum. Then we came home and now we are here. SItting on the ground, me blogging, Kaylie and my mom having a picnic on the table eating pizza which I'm soon to eat, Jen on the computer eating Bits & Bites, and Liliana was watching Baby Einstein but then saw that my mom had food and then started to attack her wanting the food. Well my pizza is waiting, until next time, keep safe and have fun.
been a long time since I've blogged....
So my life in the past little while has been full of wonders. This past weekend I was at an Air Cadet sports weekend. We went to Kleanza creek, pitched tents, and then had to eat IMPs. I got a vegetarian meal and it tasted alright, but still not the greatest. They all taste like cat food to me and no matter how much I tell myself that its all I'm going to be eating for the next 3 days and they actually aren't cat food, I still can't get over it. This year we got a treat of having new IMPs that are from 2008 instead of 2000. They say that they are good for up to 7 years, but I beg to differ. They are nasty. So we played many games and did many classes. One of the games was pilot down. What we had to do was search for hours in the bush for 2 people. They had different problems with them. One of them was in sever shock and the other one had a broken neck, leg, and a fractured rib. When we found them we had to do "first-aid" on them and then bring them back to the campsite. Here is Mr. Phillips. He was the severally hurt one. We almost

So the picture above is of 2 people that decided to wrestle and it ended up with them dragging eachother in to the bush and then one grabbing onto the tree for dear life hopeing that he wouldn't be dragged into the bush of dooom. It was a really fun weekend in the end of it. We had some ups and downs during it, but over all it was fun.