This guy is basically my bestfriend. Hes a good talker, listener, hockey volleyball basketball wakeboarding tennis badminton player (theres more, I just can't name them all), and a really good friend. If there is anything that I need help with, he is always there for me with a big smile going along with it to. Also this guy is my escort for GRAD! I'm so excited. Hes been a good friend for me for the past 3 or 4 years. Anyways, doing the pizzas we had quite a few good laughs. Everything from trying on sunglasses to argueing about ice cube trays. Okay so here is the argument we had about ice cube trays. If you and your future-husband (Romeo) walk into a store and see ice cube trays that are on sale, of course you are going to buy them and then put them in your hope box for when you get married right?? Well that is what this one girl (we'll call her Juliet) thought until Romeo told her that he wanted to use them while he was living in his parents house and Juliet said, well no we are going to use them when we get married. So Juliet asked us, 'What would you do if you were me right now? I told her that I would keep them stored away and I wouldn't use them either. Juliet told Romeo that Girls want to keep things until the wedding or when its right, and guys just want to use them right away. When we asked around, we started to prove our point. Every guy (sorry should i say man) we asked our question to, they all said, 'Oh just use them right away! What the big problem about that?' and then all the ladies said, 'Keep them stored away until you move into your own house and you're married.' So this just proved our point on how men and women think differently. Well how about a few pictures? They are very bad quality because they were taken on my phone.
pizza are the only thing i can think about right now...
...maybe because I've been around them since 3:20 pm today. The youth group I go to is planning on going to Historymaker (the site is old, but you get the picture) during the May long Weekend. It is taking place in Chilliwack, BC and its a great place to be around other christians. So yeah as I was saying I was sitting around helping make pizzas and I was hanging out with 2 of my favorite people. One being Emily and the other Brandon. Meet Brandon (i hope you don't mind) ...
hanging out working tonight, but wished that it could of lasted longer. But in the end Romeo and Juliet, Emily, Brandon, Marci, Pastor Lowel, a bunch of other people, and I were really tired. It was nice to come home and eat the pizza we had worked so hard on. Now i'm going to shut my eyes and sleep because I got First-Aid in the morning. I did it before, but it expires every 2 years and its been 3 now. Ooops.
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You weren't supposed to show that picture, you silly girl!