... In Terrace, when it gets really cold, the lakes freeze up and then we go skating on them in the winter time. Last night we did that thing. We bundled up, hoped into brandons automobile, stopped by Timmy Hoes, and then headed off to the lake. We tied our skates to our feet, well Travis and I did (Brandon had 2 left foot skates), and then took a picture. I ended up with the handicap hat that sticks up when I wear it.

Travis, Me, Mom, Roxanne, Brandon

We were really cold

"Erica, you have the longest arms, can you take a picture of all of us?" Thanks mom =]

Well this one didn't work, due to Roxanne being to short.

Well that was our adventure. It was very fun, but so cold. I think our toes froze off in the end of it, but over all it was fun. Thank goodness Timmy Hoes gives hot drinks to us, because we would of been lost without them.