
no longer single...

...Yes i know, me, the little Erica, has a boyfriend. I don't have a picture to show you yet of who he is, but soon you guys will find out. My life has been full of wonders and disappointments. One of the biggest ones is, MY PHONE IS OUT OF MINUTES! I'm dying getting by, so if you're texting me and i'm not replying, that would be why.

I sent out my application for Parole de Vie Bethel and now I'm waiting for a reply from the college seeing if I got accepted. If that doesn't work, maybe I'll go to the University of British Columbia and learn french there. The whole reason why I want to go to Parole de Vie Bethel, is because I want to go to a college to learn french and a bible college, so I figured that I could hit 2 birds with one stone. The only bad thing about it is that I'm going to be far away from Travis and it would cost a lot of money to fly home.

Another plan that I have is to go to Regina, take first year university courses, and live with my sister, who would hate love me to be there 24/7 =]. I have no clue what I'm going to be doing until I get the phone call or else the acceptance letter. My life is so flustered and I wish everything would just come together.

oh and guess what? 25 DAYS UNTIL BRANDON COMES HOME! I haven't seen him since June 28th. Well I was in the same house as him for like 2 hours when I came home from camp, but then Annette came over so I didn't really get to see him, so I'm just saying that I haven't seen him since June. I'm so stoked for Christmas because then Brandon is home and Nick and Teresa are coming up to. It would be better if Jen but i guess you can't get everything for Christmas.

Well now that I'm done whining, I'm going to start doing school work. I got a quiz today so I better get studying.


reba, being sick, failing part 1 of a math test, being sick, and more REBA!...

... this is basically my week so far. Sorry that I haven't blogged lately, but I haven't really been all into it. Since then I've played volleyball, hurt my shoulder more, and texted a lot of people.. as my sister and mother say, I'm an addict, well at least my mother says it more. I'm watching Reba season 3 right now. My wonderful sister let me borrow all her Reba, thats ALL 4 SEASONS!, and I've been watching them basically everyday. I'm pretty sure my parents hatelove Reba now. Yesterday I went to the movies and watched Passchendae. It was a really good movie and kinda sad. It was hard to watch in most parts. Over all its a great movie and everyone should watch it. Anyways, Thats all for now. ohhh and.

I love both of you and can't believe that its been 3 years already. miss you and see you soon!


sorry its been quite some time...

... since i've last blogged, but I've been busy doing stuff and haven't really had the want/will to write. Anyways, since I've last blogged I've had a egg thrown at my leg while walking back from youth group, a fire cracker shot at my van and the cars around me, gone to school, sat in a doctors office for 30 minutes and then the hospital for an hour. Its not FUN. After all of that I haven't found out whats wrong with my shoulder and I have to go to Physiotherapy. Oh what happened to my shoulder? Last year in volleyball we had to do diving lines (its like running lines at school, but you have to dive to each one, meaning hitting the floor for those who don't know about volleyball) and then my arm kinda caught on something and my shoulder popped out and it tore the muscles around the joint in my shoulder. In the picture you can see the white thingy that circled, well yeah, its torn and all gibbled and well yeah. Every time I start to run or go jogging, I get sharp pains going to my shoulder and it causes me great pain and whenever i quickly move my arm, my shoulder pops out (due to nothing really holding it in firmly) and then I'm in deep paint. SO yeah, I'm a gimp basically and it sucks. After I'm done this season of volleyball I have to quit playing volleyball according to the doctor because I'm murdering my body. So far in volleyball I've Sprained 8/10 fingers, destroyed my shoulder and my ankle, and got really sore knees. So yeah, my body isn't in good shape. Anyways, my plans now changed for next year. I want to become a flight attendant, but in order for that to happen I have to be bilingual in 2 languages and there is no way that i'm going to learn all of the asian languages, so i'm going for french since I know quite a bit of french. So I'm planning on moving to Quebec and hopefully go to a school Called Bethal____. I don't remeber, but go to the website and you'll see. Well I'm at school waiting for the "wonderful" bell to ring.